International Division Of Labor
2 yıl önce
International division of labor
World trade is the totality of foreign trade of all countries. World trade is based on the following factors: foreign trade turnover, geographical and commodity structure.
The international division of labor is the specialization of countries in the production of goods and services for the purpose of selling abroad.
the driving force is to increase labor productivity. 2 types are distinguished International division of labor:
1) international specialization of production.
2) international cooperation of production - based on the international specialization of production.
Economic integration is the political association of countries based on interrelations and division of labor between economies.
The advantages of integration are:
types of integration associations:
- Free trade zones. This is the conclusion of agreements on the reduction of customs duties
- Customs Union. Choose a single customs policy towards third countries
- Common Market.
- currency union. transition to a single currency
- Economic Union. implies a common economic policy
- political union.
International organizations
The following groups are distinguished:
1. Complex. International organizations of the UN system, Council Europe.
2. Financial. IMF, World Bank Group.
3. Trading. World Trade Organization (WTO) Conference United Nations Trade and Development UNCTAD.
4. Regional. Shanghai Cooperation Organization
Temel formlar
1.International trade is the exchange of goods and services between states. Goods entering a country are called imports, and goods leaving a country are called export.
The sum of a country's imports and exports is called foreign trade turnover.
The difference between export and imports is called the trade balance.
2. International capital market.
Capital is exported in two forms: in the form investments and loans.
3. Migration of labor resources. emigration is the departure of people from the country, and immigration is the entry into the country.
4. International monetary system.
the international division of labor is the specialization of the country in the production of certain types of products and services.Countries differ in size, natural wealth.
theory of international trade
Supporters mercantilist schools believed that wealth depends on the amount of money in the country.
Heckscher's theory-surplus products are exported and imported scarce products for production.
Linder's theory-production depends on demand.
Each Product goes through four stages:
1. Emergence.
2. Growth.
3. Maturity.
4. Recession.
International specialization is the production of goods and services that are successful in the global market. For example, Japan is an exporter of cars and Colombia is an exporter of coffee. The countries of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other states of the Persian Gulf are engaged in oil exports. Zambia are exporting copper ore and copper.